Wednesday, September 3, 2014

S.M.A.R.T Decisions

Let's face it we have all made bad decisions at some point in our lives (I know I have) some pretty bad, some not so bad, some costly others not so much. 

But have you ever consider how those prior experience can slow you down and cause indecision. This too can be costly especially when it comes to business decisions. 

Below is a filter using the word SMART which could be used to help in those decisions.

S-sensible . The product or service
                that I am considering does
                make sense for my situation?
                Does it fix a problem that I 
                am trying to solve? Is it easy
                for myself and others to use?
M-manageable. How will this effect
                my day to day operations?
                How much human resource 
                will this take? Will it cause me
                to add or reduce resources?
                Does the product or service 
                provider manage it for me?
A-affordable. Is this product or service
                something we can afford
                financially? Can we afford not 
                to do it? 
R-reliable. Will it work? Is there a 
                guarantee? Is there support? Is
                it scalable, will it grow with my
T-timely. Is now the right time? Will
                there ever be the right time?
                What does using the product
                or service do for me now?
                What will happen if I don't use
                the product or service now?

So there you have it. A simple way to get you started down the path of SMART decision making. 

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