Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Say Thank You to American Truckers.

As the United States celebrated Labor Day this past week end the ATA gave tips to nearly 29.7 million motorists traveling during Labor Day weekend and I would dare say that not many saw or even paid attention to the reminders. Instead hit the road with little care about how motorist on highways should interact with tractor trailers.

As Americans I am amazed at how little we know of the importance of the the trucking industry for our country. If the trucking industry stopped today America would fall apart.

The men and women who spend hours, days and weeks away from family and friends deserve our respect and gratitude for the work that they do. Delivering ever concivible good that surrounds us.

So with that...if you have the opportunity to talk with a trucker, thank him or her and give them room out on the road.

Stay safe.

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