Thursday, October 2, 2014

Controlling Fuel Cost

Every morning on my way to the office I pass a couple of gas station and like all it has its fuel prices posted. It always makes think how in just a few short years our fuel prices have sky rocketed as we were told they would. 

Now I realize that this not news to you. And I also realize that you can't control the price at the pump. However, you do have control after it goes into your company vehicles.

This can be done by having proper insight through a simple low cost fleet management solution by which you can monitor driving behavior such as speeding, idling and out of route travel to name a few.

They are many solutions out there to choose from so how do you decide?
One can start by clicking HERE.

If have any other questions or would like to see a live demo please contact us. Contact info below.

Sprint Business Executive

Connect with me on:
Twitter: @BrockHamrick

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