Thursday, October 23, 2014

GPS Tracking / Fleet Management. 4 Simple Truths

If you own a small to medium sized business that relies on a fleet of vehicles no doubt you are fully aware of GPS tracking / fleet management technology. More and more small to medium sized businesses are turning to these solutions to help in their day to day operations.

It is no secret that by deploying a fleet management program it can help businesses perform better and be more competitive. Just do a simple Google search on the benefits of a fleet management program and you will find plenty to research; which in turn can be a little daunting to sift through and figure out what is what. I mean you may need a GPS tracker just to get through all the GPS tracker / Fleet management information. 

So what does it all mean? The BIG picture benefits of fleet management?

Four simple truths....

SAFETY. Having a fleet management system in place does improve driver safety as the drivers become more aware that the system is there. Especially if the system allows for real-time driver alerts. For example, if parameters are set for a particular speed limit and the drivers exceed that limit there can be an audible in cab alert, alerting the drivers that they are over the limit.

SPEED. The age that we now live is fast...real fast and leveraging the technology to assist your business in keeping with the times is crucial. The faster you can make decisions the better. The faster that you can deploy a field service truck to a customer the better. If you could allow just one more stop through route optimization the better. It is about speed.

FREEDOM. Freedom from the unknown. Peace of mind. This in my opinion is huge! With fleet management programs you can know where your vehicles are, how they are performing and how your drivers are performing. Is fuel being wasted? You can know. Is fuel being stolen? You can know. Do my vehicles need maintenance? You can know. How long where my workers at the site? You can know. Was my driver really speeding or was that somebody just having a bad day? You can know. Having a virtual window into your day to day field operations can be liberating.

CASH. With speed and freedom from the unknown comes cash and at the end of the day it's really about cash flow. Not cash for cash sake, but more cash so that you can expand, be more competitive and perhaps to take the opportunity in some way to reward your employees.

There are many gps and fleet management programs to choose from, so make sure that you partner with someone that is willing to walk with you through the process making sure that you are well taken care of

Because in the end it is an investment for growth that allows for SAFETY, SPEED, FREEDOM and CASH.

If you would like to learn more about how wireless capabilities can create efficiencies for your business, check out the link below.
Or feel free to contact me with any questions, we're here to help.

Mobile Workforce Consultant
Sprint Business
Connect with me on:
Twitter: @BrockHamrick

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Your Mobile Workforce

Does the mobile side of your business make it more efficient or could that improve? If you were to rate the effectiveness of your mobile workforce from 1 to 10 beyond voice,text and email where would that number fall?
Having a workforce that can collaborate from virtually anywhere at anytime can make things exciting and fun and allow for more productivity.

One thing is for sure, when your employees can communicate effectively, move faster, tend to your customers better and make more makes them more happy and makes you more happy too. Wouldn't you agree that this is definitely good for business?

So bring your team together and start asking, what can we do to provide better customer service? What could make us faster? How could we communicate better? 

Then start exploring what mobile capabilities exist that can help achieve your business goals.

If you would like to learn more about how wireless capabilities can create efficiencies for your business, check out the link below.
Or feel free to contact me with any questions, we're here to help.

Sprint Mobile Workforce Executive
Connect with me on:
Twitter: @BrockHamrick

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Your Wireless Carrier

So how long have you been with your wireless carrier? Five, ten, fifteen years maybe longer? What is it that you like about your carrier? What is about your carrier you don't like? Have you ever thought about your wireless carrier as a partner to your overall business strategy? 

Does your wireless carrier or your wireless business representative come to you with insights and ideas? Ideas to help you create efficiencies and a more productive, happier workforce that would in turn create a better customer experience? 

As a business owner, manager or executive you work hard everyday to provide the best quality product or service you can. So it is understandable that you do not always have the time to look for innovative ways to help expand your business.

However, if having a reliable partner in the wings that you could turn to at anytime for solid answers and a partner that is willing to work along side you with an understanding of how your business works and a desire to see your business you think that would be of value?

So next time you see your carriers commercial on t.v. or wherever, ask you yourself if you are getting the value that you deserve from your wireless carrier and wireless business representative. You deserve a partner that brings confidence and passion in what they do, knowing that it can help your business grow.
If you would like to learn more about how wireless capabilities can create efficiencies for your business, check out the link below.
Or feel free to contact me with any questions, we're here to help.

Sprint Mobile Workforce Executive
Connect with me on:
Twitter: @BrockHamrick

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Controlling Fuel Cost

Every morning on my way to the office I pass a couple of gas station and like all it has its fuel prices posted. It always makes think how in just a few short years our fuel prices have sky rocketed as we were told they would. 

Now I realize that this not news to you. And I also realize that you can't control the price at the pump. However, you do have control after it goes into your company vehicles.

This can be done by having proper insight through a simple low cost fleet management solution by which you can monitor driving behavior such as speeding, idling and out of route travel to name a few.

They are many solutions out there to choose from so how do you decide?
One can start by clicking HERE.

If have any other questions or would like to see a live demo please contact us. Contact info below.

Sprint Business Executive

Connect with me on:
Twitter: @BrockHamrick

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Say Thank You to American Truckers.

As the United States celebrated Labor Day this past week end the ATA gave tips to nearly 29.7 million motorists traveling during Labor Day weekend and I would dare say that not many saw or even paid attention to the reminders. Instead hit the road with little care about how motorist on highways should interact with tractor trailers.

As Americans I am amazed at how little we know of the importance of the the trucking industry for our country. If the trucking industry stopped today America would fall apart.

The men and women who spend hours, days and weeks away from family and friends deserve our respect and gratitude for the work that they do. Delivering ever concivible good that surrounds us.

So with that...if you have the opportunity to talk with a trucker, thank him or her and give them room out on the road.

Stay safe.

S.M.A.R.T Decisions

Let's face it we have all made bad decisions at some point in our lives (I know I have) some pretty bad, some not so bad, some costly others not so much. 

But have you ever consider how those prior experience can slow you down and cause indecision. This too can be costly especially when it comes to business decisions. 

Below is a filter using the word SMART which could be used to help in those decisions.

S-sensible . The product or service
                that I am considering does
                make sense for my situation?
                Does it fix a problem that I 
                am trying to solve? Is it easy
                for myself and others to use?
M-manageable. How will this effect
                my day to day operations?
                How much human resource 
                will this take? Will it cause me
                to add or reduce resources?
                Does the product or service 
                provider manage it for me?
A-affordable. Is this product or service
                something we can afford
                financially? Can we afford not 
                to do it? 
R-reliable. Will it work? Is there a 
                guarantee? Is there support? Is
                it scalable, will it grow with my
T-timely. Is now the right time? Will
                there ever be the right time?
                What does using the product
                or service do for me now?
                What will happen if I don't use
                the product or service now?

So there you have it. A simple way to get you started down the path of SMART decision making. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Say no to status quo

Business and mobility, mobility and business no matter which way you slice it the merging of business and wireless technology has changed the face of business practices forever. Granted this is no new revelation. However, as an entrepreneur or business owner  are you leveraging the technology and many times the inexpensive, simply to implement technology available to you?

The reason that I ask is because I have had experiences where business are so stuck in the "status quo" that it is virtually impossible for them to expand and dominate their market. In my opinion this is a dangerous place to be in today's market place.

So if you find yourself or your business stuck in the world of status quo, I encourage you to consider more innovation through mobile technology. It could very well be the thing that takes your business to the next level.

If you would like to learn more about how wireless capabilities can create efficiencies for your business, check out the link below.
Or feel free to contact me with any questions, we're here to help.

Mobile Workforce Consultant
Sprint Business
Connect with me on:
Twitter: @BrockHamrick